Monday, June 18, 2012

A short introduction

Hi everyone,
I just want to give a short introduction to this project before I start it properly. As part of my Masters thesis I researched ways to promote creativity in the classroom and by the end of it we had become a home-ed family. Those two things weren't necessarily connected, but a lot of what I was reading about methods of promoting creativity in schools fits in with what I have since read about educating at home.

We were thinking today about a project to start and decided to take my teacher pack as the starting point. Maria is delighted that I finally handed in my thesis and have more time to spend with her, but also interested in what I was spending all the time at. I thought it would be nice to share this with others and hopefully get some of you involved in creating your own too.

At the moment the plan is that I will put up ideas for activities here and share what we do with them. Anyone else who would like to share what they do can let me know through the comments below. The theme of the project is Identity and it was designed to be as flexible as possible so that it can be adapted for any age-group from toddler to adult. It's all about experimenting, having fun and exploring the things important to you in whatever way you feel most comfortable.

The emphasis in the original project was on the process of discovery rather than the product, so there are no step-by-step instructions, and no fixed outcomes. At the end of it you produce what can be loosely called a self-portrait book, the design and format is up to you. Part of the process is challenging pre-conceptions of what makes a book, a painting etc. while exploring the world around you and your place in it.

It was designed to make connections and blur distinctions between different subject areas, encourage experimentation and risk-taking, promote active rather than passive learning and boost intrinsic motivation and creativity. There's more detail on my thesis project at if anyone is interested or feel free to ask any questions you may have. Most of all I hope if you take part that you have fun and enjoy the process.

The next post will give details about how to begin, by looking at some famous self-portraits.

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